About us

Campus Crops is a student run urban gardening initiative at McGill University's downtown campus. We want to grow food on campus, by students, for students. We have been running garden behind the School of Environment building at 3534 University since 2007. In 2009 we started a terrace garden behind the James Administration building. We're really excited to keep improving these two spaces, and need lots of helping hands for the summer ahead! Get in touch and get gardening!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meeting tonight and garden hour changes

Due to the fading warm weather and sunshine garden hours will no longer be three times a week. From now on, we will be meeting SUNDAY 3-5 in the garden each week. There might be other times scheduled for bigger projects (i.e. building little greenhouses for a few of the beds) but otherwise look for us on Sundays.

Second, TONIGHT at 6PM is our first semi-official meeting. Due to the rainy forecast we will be meeting in the Geography student lounge in room 305 Burnside - the meeting should be about an hour.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Indoor Growing Workshop Tomorrow!

Wednesday Sept 15, from 3-5 at the McGill Farmer's Market in Three Bares Park
A workshop on Indoor Growing, presented by Campus Crops!
Learn about soil, sun and water!
Build your own mini self-watering container and plant some herbs!
Free and open to all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey everyone,

We have found a rain location so the potluck and movie are still on for tonight. We will be meeting in the sustainability office, room 216 on the 2nd floor of Ferrier - go straight down the hall and you will see us on the left. The front door to the building will be locked (unless you are an Arts student) so call or text one of us at 514.758.0583 or 1.802.338.7738 to get in. There will also be come people hanging in the garden to direct people to Ferrier, so swing by there if you really get lost.

Hope to see you all real soon! Mr FOOOOOOXXXX!!!

the croppers

Monday, September 6, 2010

Potluck and Movie in the Garden: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Want to spend an evening outdoors?
Enjoy sharing meals with lovely people?
Interested in learning about how small animals take over industrial meat farmers?

Come join us in the garden for a night of feasting and filming!

There will be a potluck starting at 6.30 and Fantastic Mr Fox playing on the big screen around 8. Please bring a dish to share, blankets, and your own utensil and plate/bowl/tupperware.

Where: in our garden, behind 3534 University
When: Thursday Sept 9, from 6.30 to 10